Golden Employment


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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Interviewing, a Comprehensive Discussion

Considering that your resume has been successful in getting a call to interview, you need to understand the interviewing process. In a labor market where there are many qualified candidates competing for the same position, how you do on the interview can often determine whether you get the job. 

Here are topics you might find enlightening in your interview preparation:
  • Types of Interviews
  • Interviewing Strategies
  • Illegal Questions
  • Who gets Hired?
  • Negotiating Your Compensation Package
  • More Information About The Interview
For the complete discussion see the complete article here.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Tech Skills, the Disconnect

There is a current Tech demand; tech unemploymently  low. The advertised job specifications broadcast an extensive 'Wish List' few candidates can satisfy.  It’s a continuing complaint: Employers who need skilled IT professionals say they can’t find people to fill their open jobs. But job seekers say it’s getting harder and harder to find a job. Why the disconnect?

Average U.S. tech salaries rose 2.6 percent during 2012, according to the latest Dice Salary Survey.  Employers are rewarding those with the needed experience and certifications at much higher rates.

With a ‘tight market’ on the Tech side, be sure to make the most of every applicable skill you have in your resume. Remember you are replying to a Wish List; you need be just good enough to get the interview invitation. The pendulum is on the candidate’s side — “if you have the right skills, of course.”  For the complete article, click here.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Reasons For and Against Improving Economy

Employment opportunities are directly related to the economy. There has been some improvement overall in the last year. The popular news figures released for the un-employed is down to 6.7 percent (BLS U-3); while the realistic U-6 statistic is at 13.1. With this level, one out of every seven working adults is challenged for employment. The U-6 includes those unemployed that have also used up their benefits and those who have given up looking for work.

USA Today presents an article reviewing four reasons the economy is improving and four reasons it might not improve. Having some basic understanding of the factors that influence the economy can help appreciating the dilemma of being un-employed. See the complete article here.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Eight Top Articles from 2013

There have been many articles presented on this blog over the last year. Here are the most popular 8 from the site, one of the sites watched for employment tips. 
  1. 5 Ways to Tell if Your Interview Went Well
  2. 5 Myths That Hurt a Job Search
  3. Can You Lose a Job for Being Too Attractive?
  4. Six Reasons Your Search Has Stalled
  5. Getting the Job When You're Underqualified
  6. Four Job Qualifications You Don't Really Need
  7. Six Tips for a Solid Resume
  8. The Top Four Career Lies
The full article at can be found here